Wednesday, May 22, 2013

うちのハミちゃん (ハムスター)

Changing the subject for just a second....I just want to say how much I love my little hamster. My roborovski hamster has been with me since February of 2011, before I even got married and was living on my own. 

I've loved pets since I was I was little. I've always had bunnies, like all my childhood. My grandma had a dog too, which they rescued actually the day I was born. So my love for animals has always been strong. They are not only friendly companions, they are sometimes better listeners and friends then humans. 

My little Hammy has been with me through ups and downs of my life. He's been a great friend as strange as that may sound. He's so reliable. Always wants food from me, nothing else. Always wants to play at night. He's such a little creature with so much personality. He amused me everyday with his little tricks and facial expressions. As he gets older and slower, I think how lucky I have been to have such a cute, special little guy in my life. My little baby ハミー

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